The Wellness Way
Women's Workplace Wellness
Workshops can be booked based around any topic and for any length of time.
Popular options are:
1-2 hour one-off talks
Half day 'health & wellness' workshops
4 weekly programmes
​ I have been delivering nutrition workshops for employee wellness & community groups for several years and it is amazing to see how much participants get out of these workshops and the lasting impact they have on health and wellness change.
More and more businesses and groups like yours are recognising the benefits that good nutrition can have for the whole workforce, individuals and communities alike.
‘The UK loses 150 million days each year because of poor women’s health- can you afford to be part of this figure, when much of this is entirely preventable?’ (HRD connect, 2024)
Our employee wellbeing workshops and care packages offer comprehensive support, designed to empower your workforce with the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health and productivity! In todays fast-pace world, maintaining optimal health is tough, and many women are struggling.
More than 70% of female employees have found it 'challenging' dealing with menstrual problems at work
This simply highlights that there is a real need for support in the workplace around women's health. Instead of the misinformation gained via 'Dr Google', social media platforms and blogs or frustrated by the limited availability for help via non- emergency helplines or GP's, The Wellness Way team can offer expertise in finding real solutions tailored to each employees needs.

64% faced challenges around menopause
62% struggled with pregnancy in the workplace
'4 in 10 women say they do not feel comfortable discussing health issues with their manager' (GOV.UK, 2022)
The impact of poor health in women at work is staggering (, 2022)
A demographic shift over recent years now shows that women represent nearly half of the workforce , thats over 15 million women.
When businesses negate womens health in the workplace, the UK economy loses £20.2bn a year.
918,000 women (5.8%) are carrying more of the burden of occupational disease than men (4.7%)
Long term sickness has risen more for women (209,000) than for men (148,000) and women believethis to be caused or exaggerated by their job.
3.5 million women have considered quitting their job due to menopause and menstrual health symptoms
55% of women state that peri-menopause/menopause and menstrual symptoms significantly affect mood, 52% say their concentration is affected, 46% say they are physically uncomfortable at work and 40% say that symptoms affect their productivity.
A women's health survey found that 57% of women said a gynaecological or hormonal health condition has negatively impacted their career - conditions like PMS, Diabetes, PCOS & Endometriosis (much of these symptoms can be managed and avoided with education and wellness interventions)
A commitment to workplace wellness with solutions that can work at a personalised level for each employee can make them more productive and engaged.

In the past , many women's health complaints were attributed to being emotional or hysterical leading to treatment of psychological disorders instead of physical conditions. Moreover, we now know that a large percentage of the conditions women are most likely to suffer from can be effectively managed with lifestyle and dietary intervention. Now is the time to help women understand their bodies, educate and empower them to know what they can do to help themselves!
Conside this.....
23% of working women have considered quitting due to the impact of menopause or menstrual symptoms at work, and over one in ten (14%) are actively planning to quit.
With the national rise of poor women's health, have you ever considered how this could be affecting employee performance and presenteeism?
There's a high chance that some of your employees are among the 3.5 million women considering quitting their jobs. With simple wellness prevention and education schemes, you may just sway their decision and not only that, you may also positively impact their ongoing performance in your company.
Take a look around you, ask if you have female employees displaying signs of struggle.
* Complaints of muscle and joint pain
* Frequent headaches and migraines
* Greater anxiety and depression
* Low motivation
* Low energy levels
* Increased procrastination
* Frequent illness or 'time off'
And the invisible symptoms that your employees are less likely to disclose
* Breast pain
* Pelvic pain
* Skin issues
* Weight gain
* Bloating
* Gut distress
* Back pain
* Sleep disturbances
* Peri/menopause changes
* Hormonal challenges
These things become a problem for you and your company when performance drops, you see reduced cognitive performance, poor focus and concentration and therefore decreased productivity.

Do you or your business have the tools, knowledge and experience to support your female employees in these matters?
The benefits of partnering with a Women's Health Nutritionist in your business?
Partnering with a nutritionist to provide a wellbeing program tailored to women's health offers several significant benefits:
1. Enhanced Nutritional Guidance
Expert advice and knowledge on diet and lifestyle habits that address specific women's health needs that are realistic and manageable.
2. Education on the impact of proper food choices
With a special focus on how nutrition can impact things like boosting energy and cognitive function alongside managing the common health concerns many women face daily.
3. Disease Prevention
A focus on nutrition can help prevent chronic diseases that disproportionately affect women, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, menopause thereby reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs.
4. Employee Retention and Satisfaction
Offering a comprehensive nutrition program demonstrates a commitment to employee wellbeing, enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty, which can improve retention rates and attract top talent!
5. A friendly familiar face
Knowing there is someone consistently available and present is essential for building employee trust within your business.